Now it is official, starting November 1st, 2021, tourists that have been vaccinated less than 6 months vaccine or received the booster, can enter Israel
- The tourist still takes a PCR test 72 hours before the flight
- The tourist will complete a Entry Statement Form before entering Israel, Link:
- Passengers with a verifiable digital certificate will scan or upload their certificate of immunization or recovery to the incoming passenger form and receive a green card before boarding.
- live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en
- Passengers who do not have a verifiable digital certificate will declare the vaccines on the incoming passenger form, and will also fill out an application form for shortening isolation, to which they will attach the relevant documents and receive a green mark before boarding
Boarding conditions:
- Presentation of documentation of a negative result in a PCR test performed up to 72 hours before the flight to Israel.
- Presentation of the incoming passenger declaration has been completed and confirmed, showing one of the following documents:
- Vaccination certificateRecovery certificate, which can be digitally verified in the systems of the Ministry of Health in Israel, attesting to recovery.
- Exceptional entry permit from the Ministry of the Interior (outline of exceptions,groups)
- Performing a PCR test after landing at Ben Gurion Airport; isolation until a negative result is obtained or for 24 hours, whichever comes earlier.
A tourist who is diagnosed with Covid-19 during his stay in Israel will be transferred to a designated Covid-19 hotel under the responsibility of the ministry of health, medical treatment at the expense of the tourist.
The travel outline for tourists vaccinated more then 6 months should start on 09 Nov and will be published in the next few days.