Few months ago (May 8-26, 2020), the Hotel Sales Managers Association conducts a survey entitled Domestic Travel Sentiment Survey. The 2020 Survey Report reveals interesting information on the customers' preference once traveling gets go signal to proceed.
Here are the summary of the 2020 Domestic Travel Sentiment Survey Report:
- Roughly 90% of Domestic Travel Demand Will Bounce Back in 12 months, Led by Leisure Demand
- Air Travel is the Preferred Mode of Transportation.
- Domestic travel demand looks poised to substantially recover within a 12-month period. In the short term (1 - 3 months), about 29% of respondents desire to travel domestically. In the medium term (6 - 12 months) an additional 61% of respondents desire to travel domestically. Early demand is predominately leisure in nature as 74% of the respondents indicated.
- Based on the comments and feedback, the respondents shared that they will travel provided health and safety protocols are in place. Transparency and communication of the safety measures being done by the hospitality and tourism industry are vital in convincing the market to travel again.
- Based on the survey, as soon as travel is allowed, the respondents selected their top 3 destinations and majority prefer to travel to Boracay, Palawan and “Other Luzon”.

For more information about the survey, you may click the button below 👇👇👇